Big Island RockCrawlers
Last Updated 11-10-01
The Rock Crawler

Winner of the 2001 Hawaii Top Truck Challenge
on July 1, 2001 at Kualoa Ranch, Oahu, Hawaii
"PYRO II" Buildup
The information on this site is an OVERVIEW of how I installed components and made modifications to MY CJ but this in no way means it will work or be safe on yours. My CJ is built as a street legal (to drive to and from the trails) trail rig and the modification are to enhance TRAIL USE ONLY. If you DO NOT have a excellent working knowledge and background in machanics, DO NOT try these modifications. If you use any information on this site, which you are welcome to, you are doing so at your own risk.
Thanks for your understanding and I hope you enjoy my site.
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(11-10-01)Again, haven't updated for a while so here it goes. Finished moving the rear axle back another 5" by adding long links to the four link suspension. Now the wheelbase is at 93", which is 1/2" less then a CJ-7. This was in part to deal with driveshaft angles, improve departure angle(85 degrees) and also improve climbing ability. After lifting the CJ higher, widening the track and lengthing the wheelbase, the overall stability is greatly improved.
I remove the fixed shackle mounts on the rear axle and made a shackle with a large Heim joint that mounts the axle. This allows for axle articulation without spring twist, relieving stress at the spring mounts. This will also extend the life of the springs by not working at compound tensions.
The custom Tierod setup is done, Which mounts the tierod behind the axle and above the springs buy using custom made steering arms. This along with the ARG Rock Ram Kit makes this one of best modifications I've made. The steering is nothing less then amazing, this system is unstopable.
Picked up a Tire Groover from AFCO and went to work on the SXs. BIG improvement in on and offroad traction.
Mounted a Warn MX 6000 to the back of PYRO with a custom made bumper. You can also see in this pic how far back the axle sets now, the back edge of the tire is even with the bumper!!!
(4-10-01)Today I received the papers for my entry in the Hawaii Top Truck Challenge !!!!!! I've got alot of work to do between now and July 1st, the challenge date. I'll be shipping PYRO to the Island of Oahu and meeting with a bunch of wheelers there. We have a few trail rides planned and then, over to the event at Kualoa Ranch. Should be alot of fun with some good hardcore competition.
I'm in the proccess of swapping in a SM465 w/Dana 300, short output and Tera 4 to 1 low Range . I'm also working on a "Home Built" Hydro Assist Steering and I'll do a "How To" writeup on it. Along with that I'm moving the tierod to the other side of the axle and over the springs, should be a very trick setup.
(2-08-01)Well, Its been a while , but I'm back at this page again. Been pretty busy working on PYRO lately and just about have the latest phase finished. I've added some axels, some BIG axels. The front is a Dana 60 out of a 1.25 ton chevy military truck and the rear is full floater 14 bolt from a chevy dually tow truck. When I flew over to pick up the axels on Oahu, the guy had a set of 37 x 12.5 MT Goodyear Military tires from a Humvee so I ended up buying those too. Now , to fit this all together I needed a new suspension so I called the guys at Avalanche Engineering and ordered some Alcan SOA springs for the front and Avalanche's 1/4 elliptical rear suspension kit. The links above go into more detail on these components and their installation.
Spec Sheet
Frame and Suspension
- .25 inch overlaid steel reinforced to frist body mount and two inch lengthened frame, Outboard shackles with shackle reverse built into frame reinforcment with shackle hanger through frame.
- Custom Shackles with Greasable Bolts
- Rancho RS9000 adjustable shocks (Long Travel)
- Custom Shock Towers
- Power Steering
- Steering Box Brace
- Steering Box Skid Plate
- Crossover Steering
"80's Chevy Dana 60 Front Axle
- Axle from 1.25 ton Military Truck
- 5.13 R-P
- Full width, 69"
- Custom Shock Mounts
- Rear 1/4 Elliptical suspension with 6" lengthened wheelbase in rear
- Custom Heim Joint Shackles with Greaseable Bolts
- Rancho RS5000 Shocks (Long Travel)
- Custom Shock Towers
'80's Chevy Full Floating, Dually, 14 Bolt Rear Axle
- Axle from 1.5 ton Dually Tow Truck
- Full width, 64"
- TSM Disc Brakes
- 5.13 R-P
'72 Chevy
- Onboard Air System with Converted A6 Air compressor
- Custom Exhaust with Glasspacks (only ones that fit,,, and too loud)
- Edelbrock Manifold and Custom rebuilt(for crawling) Edelbrock Performer 600 Carb
'77 CJ5 Fiberglass Body
- Bomb Proof Fenders & Rocker Guards
- Front wheel wells moved back 2 inchs
- Rockers trimmed up 2 inchs and covered with 3in x 4in angle iron 1/4in thick
- Flush Mounted Tail Lights
- Steel Dash (easier elec. grounding)
- Rear Floor Raised 3inch to clear oversized gas tank, bottom of tank is at stock height
- Dual Batterys
- 6 Point Frame mounted Roll Cage
- Seats mounted to Cage
- Wet Okole Seat Covers
- Rear Bumper Mounted Trail Rack, 5gal water and gas cans, Spare tire, Air tank
- Skid Plates: Engine oil pan, Trans/t-case, Steering box, Fuel tank, Diffs
- 38.5x14.5x16.5 SX Swampers on Humvee 2 Piece Wheel with Internal Beadlocks and Runflats.
- Warn 8274 Winch
- 24 gal. Fuel Tank
- Hand Throttle
- CD and CB
- Hi-lift
- All Adaptors and Fabrication Done by me in my shop and front yard.
Thanks for checking out my site and Come Back soon, I add new stuff all the time.
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